Issue list

Browse your issues and group them by labels, assignees, milestones, and more.

Issue list


The list view allows you to browse your issues and pull requests grouped and ordered at will.


Create issue

You can create issues directly from the list by clicking on the button at the right of each group, it will open the issue creation menu. When grouping by status, label, milestone or assignee, the issue form will be filled with the selected group as property.

Learn more about the issue creation menu.

View menu

You can switch between views by clicking on the button in the header, by using the command menu action or by pressing the V shortcut to cycle through views.

List view

This list view can:

  • group by status, state, label, milestone, author, assignee and reviewer
  • order by number, status, state, total of comments, total of reactions (👍 & 👎 addition), milestone, due date, last update or creation date.
  • share and embed a public list
Learn more about sharing and embedding a public list.