
Learn how to customize subscriptions to control your notifications.



To provide a notification system that is flexible and customizable, we have implemented our own subscriptions. This system allows you to subscribe to different events and to customize the notifications you receive for your repositories through presets.


Presets are pre-made sets of subscriptions to set up your repository notifications. You can easily select a preset from the settings modal by pressing , under the tab of each organization or by pressing the button in the repository header.

  • Watch everything for this repository
  • Watch mentions, releases and subscribed issues activity
  • Never be notified for this repository

Choose the preset that matches your activity on this repository, we use the Engage preset for repositories we're actively working on, Watch for repositories we just want to keep an eye on, and Ignore for repositories you don't want to be notified.

When importing a new repository, maintainers will automatically be subscribed as Watch.

Custom subscriptions

You can also fine-tune your subscriptions by clicking on the button:

  • Mentions: notified when @mentioned on an issue, pull request, comment, review or release
  • New issues: notified when a new issue is created
  • New pull requests: notified when a new pull request is created
  • New releases: notified when a new release is published
  • New actions: notified when an action fails on the repository's default branch
  • New activities: notified on new activity for subscribed issues and pull requests
Learn more about notifications received in your Inbox when you're subscribed to a repository.