
Get an overview of Volta's features and how to use them.

Desktop appBackground

What is Volta?

Volta is a web application with a simple goal: to help you manage your repositories and issues. It's built on top of GitHub API to provide a real-time and intuitive interface with an automated issue board out of the box. Volta also helps you reduce the overwhelming flow of notifications to focus on what matters.

Get the app

Volta is available on your browser, as a desktop application or on mobile/tablet as a Progressive Web App (PWA). We recommend using our desktop application for an optimal experience.


Volta is available for macOS Intel, macOS Apple Silicon, and Windows. Download the desktop app at

These are the benefits of using the desktop app:

  • Receive native notifications through your OS
  • Notice unread notifications on the Volta app icon
  • Download and install updates automatically in the background
Volta is not available yet on Linux, in the meantime you can install our PWA.


Volta should work on any modern browser, but we recommend using the latest version of Chrome or Safari.


Use Volta on your mobile or tablet devices with our PWA.

To install Volta on your mobile or tablet home screen:

  • iOS:
    1. Open in Safari
    2. Tap the share icon
    3. Select the Add to Homescreen action
  • Android:
    1. Open in Chrome
    2. Tap the menu icon
    3. Select Add to Homescreen action

Get the extension

A browser extension is available to bring Volta experience to GitHub:

  • Open issues and repositories on Volta
  • Assign statuses to issues and pull requests
  • Mark Volta notifications as read automatically when browsing GitHub
The extension is currently only available for Chrome.