Issue automation

Learn how Volta automates your workflow by syncing with GitHub.


Thanks to our GitHub app and real-time sync with GitHub, Volta will save you time by smartly automating your workflow:

  • When a pull request in the board gets linked to an issue, its status will be reset to Triage
Linked pull requests are locked into the Triage column as you should already see the issues they are linked to in the In Progress or In Review columns. Once merged those linked pull requests disappear from the Triage column.
In Progress
  • When a pull request is linked to the issue
Additionally, you will automatically be assigned to an issue when moving it to In Progress if no one is assigned to it.
In Review
  • When someone requests a review on a pull request, either the linked issues or the pull request itself will be moved
  • When all the linked pull requests are merged
  • When a commit is pushed to the default branch with a closing keyword (the commit sha will be displayed in the activity)
  • When the issue gets closed as Completed on GitHub
  • When the pull request gets merged on GitHub
  • When a new tag is pushed, all issues and unlinked pull requests in the Done status will be moved and attached to the tag
  • When the issue / pull request is Done and a tag is manually attached to it
  • When the issue gets closed as Not Planned on GitHub
  • When the pull request gets closed (not merged) on GitHub

We also synchronize the state of the issue on GitHub when you move it on the board:

  • When an open issue is moved to the Done column it will be automatically closed on GitHub as Completed
  • When an open issue is moved to the Cancelled column it will be automatically closed on GitHub as Not Planned
  • When a closed issue is moved to Triage, Backlog, Todo, In Progress or In Review column it will be automatically reopened on GitHub


Like on GitHub, you can link a pull request to an issue by using a supported keyword in the pull request's description: close, closes, closed, fix, fixes, fixed, resolve, resolves, resolved.

The syntax for closing keywords depends on whether the issue is in the same repository as the pull request:

  • Closes #10 to close issue 10 in the same repository
  • Fixes volta-net/feeedback#10 to close issue 10 in the volta-net/feeedback repository
  • Resolves volta-net/feeedback#10, resolves #20 to close issue 10 in the volta-net/feeedback repository and issue 20 in the same repository

When merging the pull request, GitHub will close the referenced issues. Volta will automatically move the referenced issues to the Done status but only if all the pull requests linked to the issue are merged.

To unlink an issue that you linked using a keyword, you must edit the pull request description to remove the keyword.

You can also use closing keywords in a commit message. The issue will be closed when the commit is pushed to the default branch.