
Follow the latest updates and improvements of Volta.


May 29, 2023

Fixes & Improvements

  • You can now specify a gray and primary color in your embed urls alongside theme
  • Toast notifications display has been improved with colors and icons to better differentiate between success, info and error messages
  • Fixed a bug where linked activities would not display when not a maintainer of the repository
  • Fixed a bug where the duplicate action would not fill the new issue form
  • Fixed a bug where the remove button in the due date field was not disabled when not a maintainer
  • Fixed a bug where Volta bot would close an issue when a linked pull request was merged on a different branch than the default (this behaviour has been disabled)

May 16, 2023


NuxtLabs UI

For the past two weeks, we've been working on open-sourcing our components library at NuxtLabs that powers Volta and Nuxt Studio.

It took a lot of refactor to achieve this, so there is no real update on Volta itself.

We're happy to announce NuxtLabs UI, a Nuxt module that provides everything related to UI when building a Nuxt app (components, icons, colors, dark mode and keyboard shortcuts) is now open-source!

Feel free to use it in your Nuxt projects and contribute to it!


May 2, 2023


Public repositories access

You no longer need to be logged in to Volta to view public repositories. When navigating to a public repository while not authenticated, you will be able to see its issues and pull requests as a board, list or timeline.

You'll also be able to navigate through public repositories using our command menu K. A button will be displayed in the aside instead of the usual links like Inbox, Favorites...

Issues bulk edit

You can now bulk edit issues and pull requests when in the board or list from the K menu with and actions. This will open a modal where you can select / unselect respective labels or milestones from filtered issues.

Inbox auto clean

You can now automatically clean specific notifications to save you time on inbox triage by clicking on the action from the menu or by pressing D.

This will delete filtered notifications already read from:

  • issues / pull requests closed or merged
  • repositories imported or failed
  • releases published

Fixes & Improvements

  • Tracked issues are now sorted in the same order they were written
  • Fixed a bug where milestones would not display in the board view if there were no other data in the block
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on a link in the changelog notification inside electron would not open the browser
  • Fixed a bug where issue subscribe dropdown, New milestone and Open archive actions would be displayed to non-maintainers on public repositories
  • Fixed a bug where referencing a repository in markdown as @nuxt/devtools would create a broken link
  • Fixed a bug where syncing organization members could reset seats

April 18, 2023


Tracked Issues

When creating task lists in issues body, referenced issues and pull requests will now be tracked and displayed in the issue right panel.

Issues tracked will be displayed under Tracking with the completion of closed issues and issues tracking will be displayed under Tracked by. You can navigate directly to these issues from this section.

When an issue is tracking other issues, a badge will be displayed in the board or list.

Archived Issues

You can now display archived issues of your repository or project by clicking on in the menu or through the command menu action. This will fetch all the issues and pull requests that have been archived in the past.

Archived issues and pull requests will be marked with a badge on the board and list views.

You can close the archive by clicking on the button in the header or through the command menu action.

You can also search for archived issues by using the / command menu.

Improved Guide

We've rewritten most of our Guide to make it more accessible and easier to understand. We've also added a lot of new content to cover missing features from the past few months.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Draft system on issue creation has been improved to keep changes when switching repositories
  • Referencing issues with a Volta url now works in the markdown editor
  • Results in issue command menus are not limited to 10 anymore
  • Milestones dates are now displayed in the issue select menu
  • Users with write access on repositories can now trigger a sync (previously only admin users could do it)
  • We've disabled the auto-assign feature when linking a pull request to an issue as it was causing a lot of confusion
  • A loading icon is now displayed when loading issues on the organization, repository, project and user pages
  • Fixed a bug where focus was lost when opening command menus from an issue page
  • Fixed a bug where milestones would be incorrect when switching repositories in the issue creation menu
  • Fixed a bug where creating an issue from the list with a milestone or label would select the wrong repository
  • Fixed a bug where the button would be displayed to unauthorized users

April 4, 2023


Volta Extension

We've released a new extension to bring Volta experience to GitHub:

  • Open issues and repositories on Volta
  • Assign statuses to issues and pull requests
  • Mark Volta notifications as read automatically when browsing GitHub
The extension is in beta and is only available for Chrome at the moment.

Issue Commands

You can now directly interact with issues from the command menu to update their status, labels, milestones, assignees and reviewers.

On an issue page, press K to open the command menu and search for Change commands:

Command Menu

When pressing enter, a command menu will be opened for you to update the current issue:


The shortcuts for status, labels, milestones, assignees and reviewers respectively S, L, M, A and R now open the command menu instead of the dropdown.

Landing Page

We've redesigned the landing page to make it easier to discover Volta and all the features we've added in the past months like issue lists & timelines, projects, roadmap, etc.

Fixes & Improvements

  • A preview of the issue is now available when hovering issue numbers in activity
  • You can now delete your Volta account from the settings
  • You can now reference and link issues / pull requests with the full GitHub url
  • You can now filter labels, milestones, assignees and reviewers with inclusive operators: includes any of & exclude if any of
  • Fixed a bug where some videos in markdown were not rendered in HTTPS and would cause a Not secured warning
  • Fixed a bug where an issue would not get closed automatically when linked to a merged pull request
  • Fixed a bug where a user would not be automatically assigned on an issue when linking a pull request
  • Fixed a bug where waking up the desktop app would cause multiple socket connections to be opened