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May 2, 2023


Public repositories access

You no longer need to be logged in to Volta to view public repositories. When navigating to a public repository while not authenticated, you will be able to see its issues and pull requests as a board, list or timeline.

You'll also be able to navigate through public repositories using our command menu K. A button will be displayed in the aside instead of the usual links like Inbox, Favorites...

Issues bulk edit

You can now bulk edit issues and pull requests when in the board or list from the K menu with and actions. This will open a modal where you can select / unselect respective labels or milestones from filtered issues.

Inbox auto clean

You can now automatically clean specific notifications to save you time on inbox triage by clicking on the action from the menu or by pressing D.

This will delete filtered notifications already read from:

  • issues / pull requests closed or merged
  • repositories imported or failed
  • releases published

Fixes & Improvements

  • Tracked issues are now sorted in the same order they were written
  • Fixed a bug where milestones would not display in the board view if there were no other data in the block
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on a link in the changelog notification inside electron would not open the browser
  • Fixed a bug where issue subscribe dropdown, New milestone and Open archive actions would be displayed to non-maintainers on public repositories
  • Fixed a bug where referencing a repository in markdown as @nuxt/devtools would create a broken link
  • Fixed a bug where syncing organization members could reset seats