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March 7, 2023



A milestone lets you group issues and track their progress. They are assigned to an issue and can be created on both repositories and projects. Use them at your will to organize your issues into sprints, features, releases, etc.

To create a milestone, you can click on the button in the repository / project details panel, use the command menu action or press the M shortcut.

It opens a modal where you can select a start and end date, enter a title, description and pick an icon with a color. You can search through your repository / project issues to assign them to the milestone.

New milestone

Milestones are displayed on issues in the board and list views. They are also listed in the filters modal.

You can assign milestones directly in the issue page, on the right panel:

Issue details
As milestones can be created on projects and repositories, we decided to make our own system instead of using GitHub milestones. This means that milestones created on Volta are not synced with Github and vice versa.

Timeline View

On repositories and projects, view your milestones & issues as a timeline ✨

You can switch between board, list and timeline views by clicking on the button in the header, by using the command menu action or by pressing the V shortcut to cycle through views.

The timeline view can:

  • zoom to display milestones by year, quarter, month, week or day
  • order issues by state Open, Merged... or status Todo In Progress... and will change issue icons accordingly
  • display all milestones with issues, only milestones that have issues or milestones without issues (this will take filters into account)
Timeline view options
For public repositories, similar to the board & list views, you can share your timeline by clicking on the button from the view menu. The embed url will be copied to your clipboard and will take into account filters and view options.

The timeline view will display your milestones with their issues underneath. Each milestone will have a progress bar based on the number of open/closed issues. You can drag milestones to change their start & end dates at the same time, or drag from the left or right to change only one of them.

By clicking on a milestone, you will be able to edit it and add/remove issues from it (this will open a modal similar to the one used to create a milestone). You can click on issues to open them full-screen but also drag them between milestones. A button will appear with dates based on the last milestone.

This view is swipeable by mouse and can be centered to today's date by pressing T shortcut.

It is still in beta and we're working on adding more features to it, stay tuned!

Fixes & Improvements

  • New page for organizations that will display all projects and repositories milestones with their issues in a timeline
  • Projects can now be created by members of the organization (was previously only for admins)
  • Projects repository selection is now a full-text search list like issues in milestones
  • Figma links in markdown are now turned into a live embed, try it yourself with this example:
  • Issues link has been renamed to My work in the aside
  • Issue lists can now be sorted by state & milestones and grouped by milestones
  • Issue boards can now be swiped with the mouse
  • You can now filter notifications by issue state in the inbox
  • A icon will now appear in issues search modal / when the issue is archived
  • A new Install repositories button will now appear in the aside when some of your repositories are not imported, you can click on it to sync them
  • When navigating to a repository not on Volta, an overlay to open on Github will now be displayed instead of being redirected
  • button has been uniformized and is now available for projects, milestones and comments
  • Preview toggle in the markdown editor is now a toggable button:
  • Login screen on the PWA won't show up anymore when you're already logged in
  • Fixed an issue in the filters modal where some tags were missing with multiple repositories (projects)
  • Fixed an issue where some external repositories references in markdown were incorrect in projects
  • Fixed an issue where pressing Enter in new issue form would clear the due date
  • Fixed an issue on desktop where button in settings would not open the browser
  • Fixed an issue on mobile where click would not close the dialog
  • Fixed an issue on iOS where some modals were not visible