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June 3, 2021


Releases workflow

We improved the issues lifecycle by adding a new released status! ✨

When pushing a new tag on your GitHub repository, all done issues will automatically be associated to this tag.
Associating a tag to an issue will set the status to released and move it from the board to the Releases tab.

You can easily keep track of your released issues in the list view:

Last viewed

When opening the CMD+K search menu, you will now be able to see the last issues and new issues (drafts) you visited.

In Search and Filter modals, the section headers are now sticky so you don't lose yourself. Also, the global design of modals through the application has been improved, modals are now bigger and more centered.

Repository packages

On top of supporting NPM package.json, Maintainers now detects Yarn workspaces to list all of the repository packages.

In your repository settings (GitHub -> Packages), you can set the default package to display downloads in repository overview.

We plan to support other package manager in the future 🔮.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Issues are now moved to done when mentioned in a commit (ex: Resolves #123 in commit message)
  • You can now search users from the dashboard pages
  • Repositories notifications can now be updated directly from organization settings
  • Issues filters counts are now reactive for the current selection
  • Issues and activities search can now be escaped with esc shortcut
  • Unanswered issues take into account maintainers per repository
  • Unanswered issues are now reactive when a new comment is created
  • Users should now be disconnected correctly when getting a forbidden error
  • Fixed a bug causing new comment to not subscribe user to the issue
  • Fixed a bug causing unread notifications to not disappear
  • Fixed a bug preventing issue boards horizontal scroll
  • Fixed a bug causing multiple file upload to generate wrong pictures links
  • iOS PWA icon has been fixed